Daily Work

May 8 – Someday I’ll Get Caught Up!

I have a project I’m working on: my devotional books. Then comes a short story anthology and I say, “I can work on that.” After that, another writing challenge jumps up and drags me in. All with very quick deadlines now. Someday I’ll stop taking on these challenges so that I can finish the work I really want to do. “But it’s just a short story…” will go out the window. After I finish these stories. Because deadlines. I did get my devotional written on time today and got a lot written before I left for my chess lesson. Then, editing didn’t happen because we began the process of replacing washer and dryer. Found out flooring will need major work. Fun. But that will get done too. And I will meet deadlines. And, I will write my class assignments. A new one came on Monday, and I’m thinking hard about it!

Today’s devotional (440 words) – May 8 – I Will Be With You Always