Daily Work

April 30 – It Was Monday, All Right

Mondays – when everything takes twice as long and you work three times as hard to get work done that you are 50% less satisfied with. Got my devotional and challenge writing done earlier than normal, but it was like pulling teeth today. Then had to run errands and on my last one, realized that I had just enough time to finish, get home and change, and then get to chess clubs. Did those and came home to an empty house. That problem I mentioned that my wife had at work, solved by making her work harder. But, there are other benefits, so she’s satisfied with the arrangements. I began editing the book I should have done two months ago but had glitches. I should get caught up and work on July August soon as well as my Time Travel story this month. June is gonna be crazy!

Today’s Devotional (575 Words) – April 30 – Giving: Attitude Beats Amount

Daily Work

April 3 – What a Day!

It was a long year today. Think about it…anyway, that’s the best way to describe today. I got up and worked on my devotional after breakfast. It was 458 words. I took a little liberty with the words of Jesus to the Pharisees. After that I posted the same blog on all three of my blogs about helping finance our Rwanda trip. Then, I had to get some laundry done. My daughter asked if I was going to do towels, and when I said yes, she asked if I’d do some for her. No problem. It took me an hour longer to finish because I folded up all her washcloths. I came home, and before I put the laundry away, I had to go get groceries. When I got back, I had to get ready to leave immediately for a chess lesson. I finished the lesson and came home for a bit, then headed to my wife’s college for an international dinner made by the culinary arts department. (It was delicious.) I finally got home and started working on editing around 9:00. I got 6 days worth of devotionals edited and I should finish this book tomorrow. So, today’s recap:

Devotional – 458 Words: April 3 – You Can’t Make Everybody Happy

Editing – 6 days worth

Reading – God Dreams – finished chapter 1 on Getting a vision for the work God calls you to. (more to it than that, just a quick and diry summary.)