Blog Administration, Daily Work

January 13 – Where Does Sunday Go?

So today, there won’t be any bird pictures. If you came here looking for them, I apologize, but Sunday is a busy day. Last week I tried to get some pictures in, but right now, there aren’t enough birds flying around to make it worthwhile. What takes so much time on Sunday? We leave the house around 7:45 to go to church. I usually have duties at church that require me to be there from 8:00 AM (or earlier) until our second service lets out around noon. Of course, we talk to our church family until about 12:30 before we head out. Today, my duties included photography for a special commitment service. I used the church’s camera, so I don’t have any of those pictures to share.

When we got home, I fixed a quick lunch and did a few things before leaving again about 1:40 to go to a retirement center where I lead a Bible Study. I do that for half an hour, and then head back home where I have to do family things and write my devotional, except today, I had a rough time putting my thoughts together. Then, it’s time to prepare supper and at this time of year, it gets dark early enough that I can’t go out and take pictures.

My devotional, by the way, is called Daily Enduring Truth, and is available every day at the link in the text. I share one of the things that I learn from my personal Bible reading. This year, I’m doing something different by making the devotional an evening devotional with the idea of having people reflect on their day and see how they can learn and grow from the issues of their day. It’s a new concept for me, but I began thinking about this late last year when I thought about how the Bible describes a day. Each time, it begins in the evening. “It was evening and it was morning, the first day.” or “Evening, morning, and at noon will I pray.” My first set of devotional books is based on the same Bible readings, but meant for the morning. The possibility exists that thee will be a second set, but I have other writings to work on.

Now, one last bit of news. A short story I wrote has been accepted for a charity anthology. We will be supporting Alex’s lemonade stand. So, in addition to Bird Brain Chronicle posts showing up here, I’ll even be including some other bits and pieces of my writing and promoting the books that I have short stories in. I may even have some excerpts from the story of the journey my wife and I took as she battled breast cancer. Thanks for reading here and following here.

Daily Work

May 3 – All Kinds of Stuff Happening

Yesterday it seemed like things just drifted along. It was one of those days that nothing was happening nor getting done. Today, it seemed like a lot was happening! After writing my devotional (445 words)  I got ready for my tutoring gig. Then, a long time in the middle of the day doing the actual tutoring. When I got home afterward, Lori Twichell posted a link to Beth Moore’s blog. After reading that, I felt compelled to write a response. It was my mea culpa. Then, since my wife has some extra duties right now, it was time to take daughter to school and bring supper to both of them. When I got home, I started working on my homework. That I should have done Monday. It’s been a crazy week. Then shopping, dishes, and to bed when I finish and post this.

Devotional – May 3 – Praying For Strength Against Temptation

Response to Beth Moore Blog Post – Getting Rid of Knee Jerk Reactions and Condescending Attitudes


Daily Work

April 29 – A Giant Step Forward

Sunday. Wow. There’s so much going on that I didn’t finish my devotional until almost 10:00 PM. We left the house at 7:30 for church because I had to set up the slideshow. We were there until after 12:00 Noon and then I had to leave for the Nursing home at 1:45. I left later because I was trying to fix an email situation for my wife. While working on that, I had to deal with a couple of issues related to my books on Amazon. (More later.) When I got to the Nursing home, we had a delay in starting because of some issues there. So, I got home late and we had to turn around almost immediately – ok – I kept working on the email thing – and get to church. My wife had handbells and I was setting up for Financial Peace University. Setting up and taking down lasted from 4:00 to about 7:00, then a quick trip to get groceries for dinner and medications and it was about 8:00 before I started working on any writing.

The first thing I worked on was my biography for my Amazon Author page. That became my challenge writing project for the day. And, I now have an Amazon Author Page! I also got the paperback and Kindle editions of the May June devotional series published.

Then, I finished my devotional (449 Words) – April 29 – Heaven is Like…ah…Hmmm…Guess I’ll Trust God For That

There’s still so much to do!

Daily Work

April 23 – Another Day, Another Book Cover, Moving Along

Today was a busy day. You’d think a guy could take it easy when he gains a year, but nope, still a busy day. Devotional was written, then after making arrangements and acknowledging birthday wishes on Facebook, I went to do laundry. I did about half of my writing challenge there while waiting for laundry to finish. (We have an issue with our washing machine and dryer now, so everything’s at the laundromat.) Then, lunch, a bit of work around the house, reviewing the covers for my edited devotional books (!!!), and on to chess clubs. After that, I had a fundraising banquet to attend. No, I didn’t fall for a trap pitch. I knew what it was going into it. This was to support Baptist Student work in Texas. Back when I was in college (TCU) it was called Baptist Student Union. It was there that I met Jesus Christ and gave my life to Him. It was there I met my wife. I owe that ministry for some wonderful things in my life. I’m happy to help support their work. When I got home, I finished my writing challenge. I’m completely reworking my short story involving time travel.

Today’s Devotional – April 23 – Proclaiming the Kingdom of God



Daily Work

April 22 – Making It Through the Day

Sunday’s become an extremely busy day. I need to have my devotional written by about 7:00 AM so I can finish getting ready for church. We leave the house by 7:45 and today I worked on the screen presentation. I was done before 8:15 for our 8:30 service. Then, I worked both worship services and went to Sunday School in between the two services. Then, it was on to home for lunch, then leave for the nursing home Bible study. I got back home in time for a little rest before I went back to church for our Financial Peace University class. Then, a quick run to the grocery store to get stuff for dinner, cook dinner and then, and only then do I get a chance to start writing. Today, the situation wasn’t normal, so it took me longer to do my challenge writing. Tomorrow’s a busy day, also. Laundry day…just sayin’. Then chess.

Today’s devotional was about the length I’d envisioned for this year: 390 words. April 22 – Don’t Forget to Thank God